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How To Raise And Care For Jersey Giant Chicken

When deciding to raise chickens, an important question that you should ask yourself is “what breed of chicken should I get.” This is especially important if it is your first time raising chickens, and with the vast amount of different breeds available, it can be difficult to narrow down which is the best for your needs. The Jersey Giant chicken, for example, is an impressive, dual breed used for both its meat and egg production. It’s a hardy chicken that is friendly, calm, and can live happily with other chickens. 

To care for Jersey Giant chickens, provide spacious housing, a diet rich in protein, and regular health checks. They need ample space to move and exercise due to their size. Proper care ensures healthy growth and longevity.

Jersey Giant Chicken inside fenced area

Jersey Giants, being one of the largest chicken breeds, require more space than average chickens. A standard recommendation is at least 4 square feet per bird inside the coop and 8 square feet in the run.

Given their size, they can be prone to obesity, so it’s crucial to monitor their diet closely. They thrive on a balanced diet that includes a good quality layer feed and access to fresh greens, insects, and grains. Additionally, due to their weight, they might need extra bedding in their nesting areas to prevent foot injuries.

The Jersey Giant has an easy-going personality that meshes well with other chicken breeds, and it can even get along with children and the family dog. And since it doesn’t experience too many serious problems, it makes a good choice for people who don’t want a high-maintenance bird. They can, however, experience frostbite on their combs, so make sure that these chickens have a warm coop that is insulated and ventilated, and consider adding a heating source. 

Unlike smaller breeds, however, the Jersey Giant does require more room and isn’t a good choice if you don’t have enough space in your backyard for a larger coop. They are also avid forgers, so they need plenty of space to roam and forage. If you cannot provide this ample space for these birds, you should seriously consider a smaller breed that can handle compact coops and won’t require an abundance of space. 

How Big Does Jersey Giant Chicken Grow?

Female holding question mark sign in front of her face

Jersey Giant chickens are not small birds, and their impressive size can be rather intimidating to people of all ages. Knowing what to expect in regards to how big they can grow will help you better understand the needs of these birds.

The Jersey Giant chicken is the largest chicken breed, reaching an average height of around 2 feet tall. The breed was developed as a meat bird in New Jersey, hence the name, in the 1800s to act as an alternative to turkeys.

Because of their size, the Jersey Giant chicken will need more space in their coop than a smaller breed. They may also require more food than their smaller counterparts. 

What Is The Average Weight Of A Jersey Giant Chicken?

Jersey Giant chickens are listed as the largest chicken breed, and this massive bird can easily tower over other chickens. But just how much does the rooster and hen of the Jersey Giant weigh?

Jersey Giant chicken roosters can weigh between 13 to 15 pounds, while the hens are a little smaller, weighing about 11 or so pounds. The Jersey Giant chicken can take up to a year or more to reach full size. Their exact weight, however, depends on their age, health, and genetics.

When Will A Jersey Giant Chicken Start Laying Eggs?

Close up of brown chicken eggs

For most backyard farmers, one of the draws of raising chickens is having fresh eggs available at your fingertips. Knowing when you can expect your hens to start laying is important info that any chicken keeper needs to learn.

Jersey Giant chickens start laying eggs at about 5 months of age, which is a little sooner than some other breeds of chickens. When they do start laying eggs, they will lay ones that are a bit bigger than the traditional large-sized egg.

On average, a large chicken egg weighs about 56 grams, while the Jersey Giant chicken lays eggs that weigh closer to 60 grams. This may not seem like much of a difference, but when compared side-by-side, you will quickly be able to spot a Jersey Giant egg from other chicken breeds.

Will Jersey Giant Chicken Lay White Or Brown Eggs?

Whether or not the Jersey Giant chicken produces white eggs or brown eggs is one of the most commonly asked questions when it comes to backyard flocks. 

The Jersey Giant chicken lays large brown to light brown colored eggs. Even though this breed was originally developed as a meat bird, they are still good laying birds. In fact, they can lay, on average, 200 eggs a year.

White eggs are, of course, the most commonly used eggs thanks to commercial egg producers. So this is what most people see on the shelves in grocery stores. Brown eggs are most commonly associated with farm fresh eggs, even though a lot of breeds produce white eggs. Both brown and white eggs have about the same nutritional value. 

Do You Need A Same Breed Rooster To Get Jersey Giant Chicken To Lay Eggs?

It is not uncommon for backyard flocks to have multiple different breeds of chickens. So this leads to the question as to whether or not you will need a Jersey Giant rooster to get your Jersey Giant hens to lay eggs.

A Jersey Giant hen doesn’t need a Jersey Giant rooster to lay eggs. In fact, hens don’t require any rooster to produce eggs. If you want those eggs to be fertilized, however, you will need a rooster, but it can be any breed of rooster.

If you want a full-blooded chick, you will need a Jersey Giant rooster and a Jersey Giant hen. If not, you will end up with a mixed chick. There is nothing wrong with different breeds of roosters mating with different breeds of hens, and it is extremely common in flocks that consist of various chicken breeds. 

What Is The Lifespan Of A Jersey Giant Chicken?

Male thinking looking up

Chickens don’t typically live as long as other more traditional pets, but that doesn’t mean they are not worth keeping. 

Jersey Giant chickens are a larger breed of chicken, and like other large breed animals, they typically have shorter lifespans. The Jersey Giant lives, on average, 6 to 8 years. Although some people have stated their Jersey Giants have lived past the 8 year mark.

As with any animal you raise, you can help increase their lifespan by ensuring they are as healthy as possible. This means feeding them good food, regularly inspecting them for mites or other problems, and vaccinating them as needed. 

Are Jersey Giant Chicken Friendly?

For anyone wanting a backyard flock, how friendly the breed is can make or break your desire to raise chickens. Because of its massive size, many people believe the Jersey Giant chicken isn’t a good option for backyard coops. But is that true?

The Jersey Giant chicken is a friendly bird that, despite its large stature, is known as a calm and docile chicken that makes a great addition to any flock. The rooster of this breed is also rather friendly, even though its size can be intimidating.

Even though they tower over most other chicken breeds, the Jersey Giants get along with just about all other chickens. And because they are so much larger, they typically don’t get bullied like other breeds. They also do well with children and can even be kept as pets.

How Many Eggs Can A Jersey Giant Chicken Lay A Day?

Bowl of brown chicken eggs

The amount of eggs a chicken can lay is vital info for anyone wanting birds for their egg production. With this information, you can plan how many birds you will need to supply you with the ideal amount of eggs.

Even though the Jersey Giant chicken was originally created as a meat bird, it is also raised for its impressive egg production. On average, the Jersey Giant can lay 2 to 4 eggs a week, which is about 150 to 200 eggs every year.

Farm fresh eggs are a hot commodity, so don’t feel bad if you end up with too many eggs. You can give them away to friends and family, or sell them from your home or at local farmers’ markets. 

When Will A Jersey Giant Chicken Stop Laying Eggs?

All chicken breeds will slow down in egg production at some point in their lives. But that exact time frame varies from one breed to the next.

The Jersey Giant chicken will strongly produce eggs for the first few years of its life. After that, however, the amount of eggs it can produce will start to dwindle. That doesn’t mean they will stop laying eggs altogether, but you will see a drop in egg production as the bird gets older.

You can help keep your hens producing eggs for as long as possible by ensuring your Jersey Giant chickens are healthy. This means giving them high quality food and keeping them up-to-date with their vaccines and mite treatments. 

At What Age Is A Jersey Giant Chicken The Most Delicious?

Cooking chicken on grill

For people who want to raise Jersey Giant chickens for their meat, when these birds are the most delicious is important information that they need to know.

The Jersey Giant chicken breed was developed for its meat, and can be harvested as young as 8 months old, but it could take up to 2 years before it reaches a harvestable weight. Of course, this time frame can vary due to the health of the bird.

As the bird ages, the meat can become a bit tougher. If you don’t want to raise the chickens for their meat, then it really doesn’t matter when the optimal age is for them to be butchered. 

Best Housing Setup For A Jersey Giant Chicken

When choosing what type of coop to have for your flock, you must consider the needs of each breed you are raising. The best housing setup for a Jersey Giant chicken will have plenty of space. 

Because of their large size, Jersey Giant chickens need a bit more room in their coop. At the minimum, they will need at least 6 to 8 square feet of space per bird. Also aim to ensure there is 15 to 18 inches of perching space for each bird to roost.

These birds are also tall, so make sure they have a coop with a ceiling that is at least 2 feet more than their maximum height, which is 28 inches. This means the height of the floor of the coop to its ceiling should be at least 52 inches. 

Typical Health Problems Of A Jersey Giant Chicken

The Jersey Giant breed was raised to be robust and hearty. Because of this, they are not too prone to health problems, but that doesn’t mean they are immune. 

Jersey Giant chickens are rather healthy birds that are not susceptible to very many diseases. They can, however, develop Marek’s disease. This is an extremely contagious disease caused by a herpes infection.

The good news is that you can help prevent this disease with additives that help to boost the bird’s immune system. Another potential health problem with the Jersey Giant chickens are mites, parasites and lice.

This article was first published on September 5, 2022 by Pentagon-Pets.

Typical Problems Raising Jersey Giant Chicken

Jersey Giant chickens are easy to raise and don’t have too many problems if you provide them with enough room in their coop and run. But that doesn’t mean they cannot experience problems. 

Leg injuries are the most common problem that Jersey Giant chickens face. They can also be a bit more clumsy when they roost, which is caused by trying to move around and balance their abundance of weight. Another problem experienced with Jersey Giant chickens is that their hens can be a bit broody.

Broody means a hen wants to stay on their eggs to hatch and raise the babies. This isn’t a good thing if you want the eggs for eating and not hatching. That doesn’t mean you can’t still have this breed for eggs, it just takes more work to break the hen’s broody nature.

What Type Of Food Is Best For Jersey Giant Chicken?

Chicken Feed

Some chicken breeds have a very specific dietary need that must be met. Not meeting these needs spells trouble for the birds’ health and wellness. But what type of food is best for the Jersey Giant chicken?

The Jersey Giant chicken is a bird that loves to forage, which means the best type of food for them is the bugs, grass, and seeds they get from foraging. You will, however, need to supplement their foraging with high grade chicken feed. You can also feed them healthy table scraps from your kitchen.

Pentagon Pet is the owner of this article that was first published on September 5, 2022.

While it may be tempting to feed them low-grade chicken feed, you should avoid it at all costs. Low-grade chicken feed doesn’t provide the proper amount of nutrients that your Jersey Giant chicken needs, and feeding them inadequate feed will take a toll on their health. 

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This article and its contents are owned by Pentagon Pets and was first published on September 5, 2022.

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