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Raising Brahma Chicken (How To Care)

Whether you’re just starting out in the world of chicken keeping or you just want to add a new breed to your flock, the Brahma chicken is one that you should definitely consider. These birds are known for their feathered legs and feet, as well as a friendly personality. They are also good layers, laying multiple large eggs every week. 

Caring for Brahma chickens involves providing a balanced diet, spacious housing, and regular health checks. They need protection from extreme weather due to their size and feathering. Social interaction and safe outdoor space are also essential.

Brahma Chicken outside

Brahma chickens are among the largest breeds, so they require a diet that supports their size and health. A high-quality commercial poultry feed is essential, and it can be supplemented with grains and occasional treats like fruits and vegetables.

Given their heavy feathering, they are prone to overheating, so ensure they have access to shade and fresh water, especially in warmer months. During colder periods, their large size and dense feathering make them more cold-resistant, but they still need a dry, draft-free shelter.

When it comes to housing, Brahmas need more space compared to smaller breeds. Their coop should be spacious enough to accommodate their size comfortably, with higher perches and larger nesting boxes.

Regular cleaning of the coop is essential to prevent parasites and diseases. Brahmas are known for their calm and friendly temperament, making them great for families and flock integration. However, due to their size, care should be taken when introducing them to a mixed flock to prevent bullying.

Regular health checks are crucial to monitor for any issues related to their size, such as joint problems or feather issues. Avoid overfeeding, as their large size can lead to obesity if not managed properly.

How Big Does Brahma Chicken Grow?

Brahma chicken free roaming

Not all chicken breeds grow to the same size, and some are much larger than others. Since the size of the bird determines how much space they need in their coop, it’s best to find this information out before bringing the Brahma chickens home. 

Brahma chickens are considered medium-large birds, reaching heights of up to 30-inches and have an average weight of 8 pounds for hens and 10 pounds for roosters. Because of its larger size, the brahma chicken can take up to 2 years to reach its full size.

You should also ensure you have enough room for the Brahma chickens to walk, run, and forage in their chicken run. These runs are not necessary if you plan on allowing the birds to roam free on your property. 

This article was first published on September 3, 2022 by Pentagon-Pets.

What Is The Average Weight Of A Brahma Chicken?

A pair of Brahma chicken

The smallest chicken breed is the Malaysian Serama bantam, which weighs only about 500 grams, while the heaviest chicken breed is the Jersey Giant chicken, which can weigh over 13 pounds. The Brahma chicken weighs closer to the Jersey Giant than it does to the Malaysian Serama bantam. But exactly how much does it weigh?

The average weight of an adult Brahma chicken hen is 8 pounds, the rooster weighs about 10 pounds, and a one month old Brahma chick weighs around 115 grams. This weight can vary, however, depending on the age and health of the chicken. 

The best way to ensure your chickens are at their ideal weight is to provide them with plenty of fresh, clean water and high-quality food. Along with their normal chicken feed, you should also supplement their food with fresh fruit and vegetables, as well as grass and grains. Chickens love to scratch and the Brahma breed is no different. Make sure you give them plenty of room to stretch their legs and scratch the dirt. 

When Will A Brahma Chicken Start Laying Eggs?

Gray Brahma chicken

Since most people start keeping chickens for the fresh eggs, it’s only natural to want to know when you can start expecting your flock to lay those eggs. 

It can take the Brahma chicken up to 7 months before it starts laying eggs. On average, chickens start laying eggs at about 3 to 5 months of age, so the Brahma hens do lay a little later than the average time frame. But once they start laying, you can expect about 3 to 4 eggs a week from one hen.

Keep in mind that, in general, a healthy chicken will lay more eggs than an unhealthy chicken. This is just one of the reasons why you should ensure your Brahma chickens are healthy and happy.

Since this breed of chicken also prefers to lay in cooler weather, you should consider raising other chicken breeds that like to lay when it’s warmer outside. This will help ensure you’re getting the maximum amount of eggs all throughout the year. 

Will Brahma Chicken Lay White Or Brown Eggs?

Brown chicken eggs in basket and cloth

While white eggs are typically the most common colored eggs you will find in stores, most small farms, homesteaders, and backyard chicken raisers will have brown eggs. The color of the eggs depends solely on the breed of chicken laying the eggs. So, what color eggs do Brahma chickens lay?

Brahma chickens lay medium brown eggs that are rather large in size. The Brahma chicken is considered to be a good egg-laying breed, and can lay up to 200 eggs a year. They typically do most of their egg laying during the months of October to May.

Some people believe that brown eggs have a different taste than white eggs, or that they are more nutritious. However, research has shown that, regardless of the color of the egg, they all have very similar nutritional levels and both brown and white eggs are good for you.

Do You Need A Same Breed Rooster To Get Brahma Chicken To Lay Eggs?

Rooster outdoors

A question often asked by people just starting out raising chickens is whether or not they need a rooster, and specifically a rooster of the same breed, to get eggs. 

Brahma hens don’t require a rooster to lay eggs. In fact, hens lay unfertilized eggs without a rooster present. A rooster is needed, however, if you want the eggs fertilized, which will then turn into chicks. But even then, you don’t have to use a Brahma rooster to fertilize the eggs.

The main reason to have a Brahma rooster with Brahma hens is if you want chicks that are 100 percent Brahmas. If that isn’t important to you or your needs, then you can use any rooster breed to mate and fertilize the eggs. 

What Is The Lifespan Of A Brahma Chicken?

Young Brahma chicken in field

Unfortunately, no matter what breed of chicken you get, they don’t live nearly long enough. This is especially true if you’re keeping the chickens as pets or for egg production and not merely for butchering.

Brahma chickens have an average lifespan of 5 to 8 years, although some owners of the breed have reported Brahma chickens reaching ages of over 10 years. Providing the chicken with the optimal care helps to prolong its lifespan, although there are several factors that affect how long it lives.

Are Brahma Chicken Friendly?

Brahma chicken free roaming

Whether or not a chicken breed is friendly is an important aspect to consider, one that is often overlooked. After all, you don’t want to raise a breed of chicken that will chase you and your family out of your backyard when they are out foraging.

Brahma chickens are friendly if they are raised around people. Giving them an abundance of attention and love, as well as some treats, will quickly make this docile bird your best friend. They are also one of the few chicken breeds that enjoy cuddles if they are raised properly.

The Asil chicken breed, on the other hand, is considered one of the most combative chicken breeds, and they are not recommended for backyard flocks. In most cases, chicken keepers want to select a breed that they can let out of their pen while they are outside as well. And the Brahma chicken is one such breed that you can do that with. 

How Many Eggs Can A Brahma Chicken Lay A Day?

Brown chicken eggs in nest

When deciding what chicken breed to get, consider how many eggs that breed typically lays and compare it with the amount of eggs you are hoping to get. This will help you narrow down which breed is best for your needs. 

Brahma chickens can lay 3 to 4 eggs a week, which can equal up to 200 eggs a year. This is an abundance of eggs for one hen, and can quickly result in you having more eggs than you know what to do with.

Pentagon Pet is the owner of this article that was first published on September 3, 2022.

Brahma hens are also not known for broodiness, which means they are not as likely to try to hatch their eggs. This is a good thing if your goal is to have eggs to eat and not to hatch.

An interesting fact about Brahma chickens is that they prefer to lay their eggs during the cooler portions of the year. This means that when other chicken breeds are starting to slow down their egg production for the year, the Brahma chickens are just getting started. 

When Will A Brahma Chicken Stop Laying Eggs?

Brahma chickens free roaming

No matter what the breed, all hens will experience a slow down in their egg laying ability. Some will even stop producing eggs all together. Knowing when the Brahma chicken typically stops laying eggs will help you better plan for an expectant slow down. 

The Brahma chicken typically start to slow down their egg production when they reach 5 to 7 years old. Although several factors affect this time frame. Some hens will stop producing eggs just a few years after starting, while others can keep laying for many years past their prime. 

Brahma hens typically won’t start laying until they are around 7 months of age. This is older than most other chicken breeds, which can cause some people to be hesitant about adding these chickens to their flock. However, you will quickly see why they are worth the wait once they start laying.

At What Age Is A Brahma Chicken The Most Delicious?

Brahma chicken free roaming

While Brahma chickens are great egg layers, some people raise these large birds for their meat. 

Brahma chickens typically don’t reach their full weight until they reach 2 years of age. However, most chicken keepers will butcher Brahma chickens much earlier than that age. In fact, some people butcher their Brahma chickens grown for meat as young as 8 to 10 weeks old.

For most birds, the older they are at the time of butchering, the tougher the meat can be. So keep that in mind when you are determining when you should butcher your chickens. 

Best Housing Setup For A Brahma Chicken

Brahma chicken outside coop

The best housing setup for Brahma chickens has plenty of space for these medium to large sized birds. These birds do not do well when put in a cramped coop with little room. Doing so will not only make for an unhappy bird, but it can have a negative effect on their egg production and happiness. 

Brahmas will need more space than the average chicken breed, requiring the inside of the coop to be at least 5 to 6 square feet per bird. They also need a nesting box that has an opening of no less than 12×12, and 11 to 12 inches per bird for their roosting space.

Don’t make the mistake of assuming this breed can handle small spaces. Brahmas are rather large and will need enough room for them to be healthy and happy. 

Typical Health Problems Of A Brahma Chicken

Brahma chicken outside roaming

One of the benefits of raising Brahma chickens is that they don’t have an overabundance of problems like some other chicken breeds do. But that doesn’t mean they can’t experience issues that can threaten their well-being. 

Brahma chickens don’t contend with too many health problems, although they can be susceptible to parasites, such as mites, worms, and lice. Another thing to be on the look out for is poop or mud collecting on their lower legs and toes.

As with other breeds with feathered legs, it is not uncommon for debris to become trapped on their toes and lower legs. This may require regular cleaning to keep the bird clean.

Because of their feathered feet, you should also keep an eye out for scaly leg mites. These mites will cause scales to appear on their legs and feet. Other symptoms of this mite include thick, crusted legs and feet, and even inflammation on the affected areas. These mites are extremely contagious and can take several weeks to get rid of, even with treatment.

Typical Problems Raising Brahma Chicken

Free range Brahma Chicken

There aren’t many problems that people experience when raising Brahma chickens. 

When raising Brahma chickens, you probably won’t experience many problems since this breed is fairly easy-going, docile, and doesn’t have too many health problems. Make sure you give them plenty of room in their coop and run, and keep a watchful eye out for potential parasites.

Because of their abundance of feathers, these birds can withstand cold temperatures better than some of the other chicken breeds. However, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t provide the birds with adequate shelter that will keep them warm during the cold winter months. 

What Type Of Food Is Best For Brahma Chicken?

Sack of chicken feed

Some chicken breeds require special dietary needs to keep them healthy, while others can eat the same thing as any other chicken. Knowing which one the Brahma chicken is will help you narrow down the best type of food for these birds.

Brahma chickens are not picky about their food, and they don’t require any special dietary needs. This means you can feed them the same food that you feed the rest of your chickens. If you get the Brahmas when they are chicks, start by feeding them 21% starter feed.

Once the chicks reach 8 weeks old, they can transition to adult chicken feed.

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This article and its contents are owned by Pentagon Pets and was first published on September 3, 2022.

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