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Raising Wyandotte Chicken (How to Care)

Wyandotte chickens are an American breed of chicken, but they can be found all over the world. Even though they are an American breed, they are one of the most popular breeds of chicken in Australia. What makes Wyandotte chickens so memorable is the wide variety of colors that they come in. Wyandotte chickens are also well-known as being big egg producers. 

Caring for Wyandotte chickens involves providing a balanced diet, ample space, regular health checks, and a secure coop. They thrive with social interaction and need protection from extreme weather conditions.

Wyandotte chickens are known for their hardiness and friendly nature, making them excellent for both experienced and novice chicken keepers. They require a diet that consists of high-quality poultry feed, supplemented with grains, greens, and occasional treats like fruits and vegetables. These chickens are also fond of foraging, so allowing them access to a safe outdoor area where they can peck at insects and plants is beneficial for their health and well-being. Regular health checks are important to monitor for any signs of illness or parasites, and vaccinations should be kept up-to-date.

When it comes to housing, Wyandottes need a sturdy coop that provides protection from predators and harsh weather. They are tolerant of cold but should have a dry, draft-free environment in winter. During hot weather, ensure they have access to shade and fresh water to prevent overheating. These birds are social creatures and do well in a flock, but like any chicken breed, they require enough space to avoid stress and pecking order issues. Generally, a minimum of 4 square feet per chicken inside the coop and 8-10 square feet per chicken in an outside run is recommended. Good ventilation in the coop is also crucial to prevent respiratory issues.

Wyandotte Chicken with pink background

When raising Wyandotte chickens, you’ll find that they are calm and relaxed birds. Wyandotte chickens flourish as both confined and free-range chickens. You can raise them with other breeds of chickens, but they will typically stick to other Wyandotte chickens in a flock.

Raising and caring for Wyandotte chickens is a great start for beginners, or for those that just want to have eye-catching, mild-mannered chickens. If you’re in a noise-controlled area, they do tend to be a noisy breed of chicken. Wyandotte chickens come in a variety of colors including black, white, blue, Silver Penciled, and Bull Caribian Partridge. They are a popular breed of chicken to show.

To make sure that your Wyandotte chickens are happy and healthy, there are a few things that you need to take into consideration.

How Big Does Wyandotte Chicken Grow?

Wyandotte chickens are not only known for their egg-laying ability, but they are also a frequent choice for butchering. No matter what you’re planning on using your chickens for, it’s important to know how big they’ll get once they reach adulthood.

Wyandotte chickens grow to be six pounds for hens and eight pounds for roosters. Your Wyandotte chicken will be full-grown in around 20 weeks. This makes them a slower-growing breed of chicken. Wyandotte chickens are also popular for their meat. At 20 weeks, they are typically an acceptable butcher’s weight.

With proper care and a little patience, your Wyandotte chicken will reach its full potential. 

What is the Average Weight of a Wyandotte Chicken?

Wyandotte Chicken

The weight of your Wyandotte chicken will vary from your hens to your rooster. You’ll notice as they grow that your rosters will grow slightly faster than your hens. This is to be expected.

The average weight of a wyandotte hen is six pounds. This is the healthy weight for your full-grown wyandotte hens. Rosters will reach a slightly larger weight. The average weight of a Wyandotte rooster is eight pounds.

Keeping your Wyandotte chickens at the average recommended weight will not only prolong their lifespan but will also ensure that your hens will be productive with their egg laying. 

When Will a Wyandotte Chicken Start Laying Eggs?

Once they start laying eggs, Wyandotte chickens are reliable egg layers. They produce eggs that aren’t overly rich in flavor. If you’re using your Wyandotte chickens for egg production, you can expect egg production is most likely on the forefront of your mind.

A Wyandotte chicken will start laying eggs around 18 weeks. Their egg production begins right before they reach full maturity. Once your hens begin to lay eggs, proper care and nutrition will help your Wyandotte chicken’s egg production stay dependable. Good health practices for your hens also produce higher-quality eggs.

Once your Wyandotte chickens begin laying eggs, you can expect each hen to produce three to four eggs a week.

Will Wyandotte Chicken Lay White or Brown Eggs?

Wyandotte Chicken Eggs

Chicken eggs come in a variety of colors. For those who have a preference when it comes to the egg color that their chickens produce, different breeds of chickens produce different colored eggs. Choosing a flock that produces the desired color will dictate what your flock will produce.

You can expect your Wyandotte chickens to lay eggs that are a dark cream color or a light brown. While they are considered to be more of a brown, some hens may lay eggs that are on the lighter side of the coloring.

Do You Need the Same Breed of Rooster to Get Wyandotte Chicken to Lay Eggs?

Having a rooster is essential for your flock if you want to get your chickens to produce fertilized eggs. Picking out a rooster with the right temperament for you and your flock can be a difficult decision, but do roosters need to be the same breed as your hens?

You do not need the same breed of the rooster to get your Wyandotte chickens to lay eggs. It’s perfectly fine to have cross-breed chickens. However, depending on the breed of rooster that you choose, you may notice that your chicken’s eggs have different colorings.

If you plan to hatch your Wyandotte eggs, your chicks will be a mix of plumage colors and appearance. Cross-breeding is popular with some flock raisers. Some of the benefits of raising your cross-breed chickens are that they may have increased egg production.

What is the Lifespan of a Wyandotte Chicken?

Wyandotte Chicken Farm

Wyandotte chickens can live for a number of years. When it comes 

Wyandotte chickens, their lifespan is especially important depending on what you are using your flock for, whether it be for egg laying or if you are raising them for meat.

Wyandotte chickens can live between five and twelve years. When it comes to prolonging your chicken’s lifespan, it’s important to make sure that you are keeping your chickens healthy. Weight, proper feeding, care, and added nutrients can prolong your Wyandotte chicken’s lifespan.

Are Wyandotte Chickens Friendly?

Chickens, like all animals, have different energy and different attitude levels. Some chickens tend to lean towards showing more aggression, while others may exhibit more gentle personalities.

Wyandotte chickens are friendly chickens. They make a great breed of chicken for beginners. They are friendly and do well as backyard free-range chickens. When it comes to them interacting with other breeds of chickens, however, Wyandotte chickens can come across as a little aloof.

That’s not to say they aren’t gentle, they’re just not overly friendly to the point where they exhibit extremely docile behaviors.

How Many Eggs Can a Wyandotte Chicken Lay a Day?

Chicken coop

Wyandotte chickens are reliable egg layers. When selecting a breed of chicken, Wyandotte chickens are known for two things; their eggs, and their meat. So, depending on what you are looking to use your flock for, you can adjust how many you have to get your desired results.

While Wyandotte chickens are reliable egg producers, they don’t produce an excessive amount of eggs. Each hen will produce four to five eggs per week if they are taken care of properly. When it comes to egg production, adding a variety of foods to your chicken’s diet can help increase production.

Along with a mix of nutrients, vitamins, and minerals, making sure that your chickens stay in a healthy weight range will encourage your hens to produce regular and healthy eggs.

When Will a Wyandotte Chicken Stop Laying Eggs?

Different breeds of chickens produce eggs for longer or shorter periods throughout their lifespan. If you are specifically selecting chickens for egg production, knowing how long they will produce eggs for you is key.

Wyandotte chickens do not stop laying eggs. However, they will produce fewer eggs over time. Your Wyandotte chickens will be more productive when they first begin laying eggs at 16 weeks till about the time when they are three years old. 

After the age of three, your Wyandotte chickens will continue to lay eggs, but expect that there will be fewer eggs produced per week. Diet can also be a major factor in the frequency of your Wyandotte chicken egg production. Along with your regular chicken feed, mixing in fruits, vegetables, seeds, and other scraps (chickens can and will eat pretty much anything) can promote health and even increase egg production. 

When adding additional foods to your chicken’s diet, always check first to make sure that you are selecting foods that are safe. Chickens need a diet that is low in fat. Obesity in chickens not only affects their egg production, but it also shortens their lifespan. 

At What Age is a Wyandotte Chicken the Most Delicious?

Cooking chicken on a grill

Wyandotte chickens are a dual-purpose breed of chicken. They are known both for their egg production, but also for being great chickens for meat production. As with anytime that you are butchering animals, timing is important depending on what texture of meat that you are looking for.

The Wyandotte chicken is most delicious when it reaches four months. This is when the Wyandotte chicken meat is the most tender. However, it is not essential that you slaughter your Wyandotte chickens at four months. You can wait until eight months.

If you wait longer than eight months, your Wyandotte chicken meat will begin to toughen. The meat starts to get tough because as your Wyandotte chickens age, their muscles continue to develop and, therefore, their meat will be tougher.

The meat of Wyandotte chickens is leaner meat. They are a breed of chicken that shouldn’t be overly fatty. To get the best results for your meat, adding additional foods to your regular diet can produce a different taste in your meat. Chickens are omnivores, which means that they can eat both plant and animal-based foods. 

When adding food to your chicken’s regular diet, just be sure not to give foods that are heavy in fats frequently. Table scraps and fatty meats should be treated more like an occasional treat for your chickens.

Best Housing Setup for a Wyandotte Chicken

When getting chickens, whether you are going to have free-range or caged chickens, you still need to set up a shelter for them to call home. Different breeds of chickens have different requirements when it comes to setting up a coop.

The best housing setup for a Wyandotte chicken is a shelter with a run attached. You can let them be free-range, but it’s still important to have some sort of coop set up. If your chickens are always roaming, they are more likely to be attacked and killed by predators.

This article was first published on August 16, 2022 by Pentagon-Pets.

Wyandotte chickens, while not the largest breed of chicken, are not particularly small either. That’s why cage living can be a difficult setting for them to be happy in. Housing is more important than you may think. Yes, it provides shelter and protection for your chickens, but also, the happier your chickens are, the better their egg laying and meat will be.

Typical Health Problems of a Wyandotte Chicken

Wyandotte Chicken in the wild

Keeping your chickens healthy is essential to not only giving your chickens a happy life but also getting the most out of either their egg production or their meat. Wyandotte chickens are relatively easy to care for, but that doesn’t mean that they don’t experience any health problems.

One of the most typical health problems of Wyandotte chickens is related to parasites. The Wyandotte chicken is a breed that has a good deal of fluff and feathers, making it hard to spot any mites, lice, or fleas. If left untreated, parasites can cause further health problems for your chickens.

As with all chickens, diet plays a very important part in your chicken’s health. Chickens are prone to obesity if not fed properly. If chickens exceed their ideal weight, they are at risk of complications to the heart, lungs, and digestive system. This can lead to your chickens dying prematurely due to health conditions.

Typical Problems Raising Wyandotte Chicken

Chicken coop

As with all animals, raising Wyandotte chickens is a learning process. It takes time to learn their different mannerisms and preferences. When choosing to go with Wyandotte chickens, it’s a great choice for beginners. They are a relatively mellow breed of chicken. That’s not to say that they don’t have any problems.

Typical problems when raising Wyandotte chickens are first related to their demeanor. While they are a gentle breed of chicken, they are not a very docile breed. They have been described as slightly stand-offish or moody, especially when it comes to interacting with other breeds of chicken.

Because of their behavior, if you have a coop with multiple breeds of chickens, you want to make sure that there is enough space to fit them all without incident. With a mixed flock, they should have around five feet of space per bird during the day.

What Type of Food is Best for Wyandotte Chicken?

Hand scooping up chicken feed

Chickens are omnivores. This means that they can eat both plant and meat-based foods. They will, and typically can eat almost anything. However, when feeding your chickens there are a few things to keep in mind.

When your Wyandotte chickens are chicks, you need to feed them a starter feed until they are at least six weeks old. This feed is rich in vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients that promote healthy growth. If your chicks are lacking in these areas, they are prone to malnutrition and even death.

Once your chickens are older, you can introduce new foods to their diet. In addition to their regular chicken feed, Wyandotte chickens enjoy various fruits, vegetables, meats, and even leftovers. You should avoid a high-fat diet at all costs, as that leads to health problems.

Pentagon Pet is the owner of this article that was first published on August 16, 2022.

While chickens can eat almost anything, you should always check first before feeding them your leftovers or certain foods. Some foods are toxic to chickens or need to be prepared in a certain way first to prevent any health issues.

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This article and its contents are owned by Pentagon Pets and was first published on August 16, 2022.

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